Amid this summer’s flurry of U.S. Supreme Court rulings, the nation’s highest Court has essentially decided the fate of Obamacare. In King v. Burwell, the Court saved the health care reform law by rejecting a challenge that would have essentially dismantled the Affordable Care Act as we know it. After this ruling, the fate
Health Insurance
Obama Health Care Far from a “Done Deal”
Atlanta’s 11th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals recently struck down a key requirement of Obamacare that would have required all Americans to pay for health insurance from birth through age 65 or face tax penalties.Continue Reading Obama Health Care Far from a “Done Deal”
Healthcare Reform, The New Law – Snippet #1 – Children
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 became law on March 23. It was immediately followed by the Health Care and Education Tax Credits Reconciliation Act of 2010. These two laws make up what is now known as "Health Care Reform." In a series of articles, I intend to acquaint you with the most significant provisions of these acts which cover well over 2,000 pages. Each will be a snippet of what the laws contain.Continue Reading Healthcare Reform, The New Law – Snippet #1 – Children
Contemplating Group Health Coverage Post Sale of Business
A common, but important, mistake that business owners make when selling their business is failing to adequately investigate what their and their spouse’s health coverage will be after the sale of the business. Obviously, many prior owners will sell their business before they are eligible for Medicare leaving them facing the high costs of obtaining private individual insurance if their spouse is not covered under another group plan.
Commonly, as a potential solution, the prior owners will negotiate to stay on with the new owners as consultants under a consulting agreement or as employees under an employment agreement with the proviso that they be added to the new owner’s group health plan until the prior owners are eligible for Medicare or some other pre-negotiated timeframe.
Continue Reading Contemplating Group Health Coverage Post Sale of Business