I would like to thank Diane Tomb of the American Land Title Association and NPR, which put together the following information, who together are making our lives easier by showing us how to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Click here for the link!

Take care of yourselves and let’s all get vaccinated!

In the spirit of Labor Day, I thought both employees and business owners in Wisconsin should know about a recent decision on restrictive covenants from the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. The case is important for you or your business because it affects whether certain employer-employee agreements are actually enforceable.

Many Wisconsin employer-employee relationships are governed

top secretA long awaited Federal Law on trade secret misappropriation was signed into effect last month. The new law, titled the Federal Defend Trade Secrets Act, or “DTSA”, creates a Federal cause of action for businesses who own trade secrets against individuals who have misappropriated the business’ confidential information. The law creates a uniform definition of

Many businesses, including law firms and accounting firms, employ interns over the summer. There are a number of reasons such an arrangement works for both sides.

For the business, interns provide bodies that can fill voids in the work staff, since many people center their vacations over the summer. The internship also provides the business

Employers, you may soon be required to dish out more overtime pay to your employees. On June 30, 2015, the Department of Labor released their plan to “modernize” the Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime pay rules for salaried employees. Currently, employers are only required to pay time-and-one-half to “white-collar” salaried employees that make $23,660 or